Tuesday, December 1, 2009

JAM 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

Abby and I are adopting an infant girl. She is not yet in this world, but will be with us in mid-January according to God’s routine. We are adopting an infant girl. Through a friend of some dear friends we have been introduced to a wonderful woman who cannot raise another child and was putting her up for adoption. We are adopting an infant girl. I have to keep saying that to make it real. Here is how God is at work in our lives…

Abby and I currently have foster twin 2 year old boys in our care. We are desiring to adopt them. If the Lord allows us to have the desires of our heart on this one, it will happen. We are preparing for this. We also have wanted to adopt a newborn to raise as our own.

God’s first whisper: About 2 weeks ago, Abby got a call from a friend who said there was child to be born to a friend of hers that was to be given up for adoption and thought we would be interested… were we ever!

God’s second whisper: While sitting on the couch one evening last week, I said a prayer out loud, asking God to help me find a girl’s name that was pleasing to Him and that Abby would love. The first name that I saw that struck me as pleasing was Anna. I said a few other names first which we couldn’t agree on and then came back to Anna. Abby loved it! This was to be the name of our little girl, God willing.

God’s third whisper: We were invited to a birthday party for the birth mother’s son who was turning 3. This would be our first meeting with her to introduce ourselves. We went to Kohl’s to pick up a Remington razor that I wanted and as we were readying to leave, Abby remembered that we needed to buy a birthday present for the boy. I asked about what kinds of interests he had and neither of us had any idea. Immediately, from down the isle, comes the birth mother’s sister and aunt. We have never seen them at any store and we never go to Kohl’s. They updated us on the boy’s interests and we bought him a shirt with a train theme.

God’s fourth whisper: At the birthday party, we met the birth mother’s mother and got to talking about family dynamics and other matters. The mother asked when the birthdays were for our twin foster boys. We replied and the mother revealed that this was her birthday as well.

God’s first shout: While sitting on the couch conversing with the birth mother, she indicated that she would like to name the child at birth for her own birth certificate and that we could rename later when the adoption was final. We asked what she wanted that name to be. She chose Anaya. ANAYA IS THE AFRICAN-AMERICAN VERSION OF ANNA. ANAYA MEANS “ANSWER FROM GOD”. We choose to keep this name because the child is of mixed heritage… African American and Caucasian.

GOD is good!